Why these messages are static?
Well.. I didn't have time to finish it.
But the good news is the left sidebar is dynamic 😊
... and another good news is app is theme-ready. You can try to switch the theme in console with
Maybe I'll have a chance to finish it in the next stage.
Anyway, it was very interesting contest. I've tried to make it small and fast. The .js itself is only ~100kb (min and gzipped).
And can be much smaller if I'll optimize encryption and find replacement for libphonenumber.
Greetings to all contestants 🍻
And finally some lorem ipsum goes here to make it scrolling Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam rhoncus egestas porta. Nam a ornare purus, quis mattis
ante. Sed elementum lectus a diam volutpat varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam
turpis lacus, finibus eu mi vitae, eleifend ullamcorper purus. Etiam ultricies erat quis lorem commodo, at vehicula
ipsum feugiat. Phasellus sem...